Thursday, April 26, 2012

Interview Complete

I have completed my interview with the nutritionist.  The following are the Q&A.

What exactly are the effects of malnutrition, and how do the effects vary with children, adolescence, and adults? The biggest difference with malnutrition between adults and children is the stunted growth and development that affects children.  Children often have less nutritional reserves to draw from, and so are more vulnerable.  The long term affect in children's growth is impaired bone development.  If they recover they are highly susceptible to  body fat and obesity as well as the diseases that often go along with that--cardiovascular disease and diabetes.  Because our bodies are designed to store fat, if it has been deprived, those fat storing hormones kick into high gear and if one can then eat regular meals, they may gain weight and become obese because of this.  The affects of malnutrition are hard to account for as deficiency in any single nutrient causes the body to malfunction. Being generally malnourished can cause mental difficulties, visual difficulties,muscle cramps and weakness, fatigue, anemia, dental problems, and more seriously, low immunity which can result in the inability to ward off infections and parasites.  Low immunity will result in any number of diseases including cancer.

Also, there are lots of pictures of children who appear to have basically no meat, or muscle on their bodies. How long does it take to recover from malnutrition when it gets to that point? This is a difficult question as individuals recover at different rates.  It depends on a lot of factors as well, such as if they were born malnourished (with a malnourished mother) or if it was an interruption of nutrition resulting in malnutrition.  If they are able to recover fully in a situation where there will be no interruption, it could take as little as a few months to recover.  The body is amazing in its capacity to rebound, so even severely malnourished people can get better with little effects.  However, if their bodies have begun to break down and organs are malfunctioning, it may be more difficult and maybe impossible to recover.

What are the main vitamins, mineral, etc. needed to get the body back to normal? Or is there a point where there is nothing that can be done to save them? Again, there is no simple answer to this question.  We need all vitamins and minerals to get the body back.  As I said before, deficiency in any single nutrient can result in the body malfunctioning. To recover, people need full nutrition, not isolated nutrients.  They need food.  Of course, if they are severely malnourished, they would start with liquid nutrition and move toward solid foods.  The macro nutrients need to be balanced (protein, fats, carbohydrates).  With a well-balanced meal plan, people will get all the nutrients they  need.

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