Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Save the Children.

Discusses how refugees are fleeing across sevreal different regions in search for food and help. 80% of the refugees are children and majority of the rest are women. Famine due to lack of rain and high prices of food in the area. Lack of food would leave the people at risk of malnutrition if they are not already undergoing malnutrition. In some regions, the malnutrition rate is at 30%. Africa is the hungriest places in the world.

Save the Children has already launched a major humanitarian response in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia, feeding tens of thousands of underweight children, providing life-saving medical treatment, and getting clean water to remote communities. They are need of help and money to continue helping.

The crisis gets worse and worse by the day, and there is no rain to be expected until possibly late September.

"Thousands of children could starve if we don't get life-saving help to them fast," said Matt Croucher, Save the Children's regional emergency manager for East Africa. "Parents no longer have any way to feed their children; they've lost their animals, their wells have dried up and food is too expensive to afford.

Many children are eating just a single bowl of porridge a day, missing out on the basic nutrients they need to survive.

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